2024 was a successful year for St3TART-FO, marking its official launch and key achievements.
Key highlights from our first year include:
– A successful project kick-off in May.
– Active participation in international conferences, with oral and poster presentations at the 30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium (Montpellier, France), BIPM 2024 (Sèvres, France), and the Cryo2ice Symposium (Reykjavík, Iceland). The St3TART-FO team shared the latest developments and future plans with the wider scientific community.
– A successful completion of the Set-Up Phase in December, paving the way for a two-month Rehearsal Phase.
The next major milestone will be the Operational Readiness Review (ORR) on February 27, 2025, in Toulouse, where the transition to the Routine Operational Phase will be assessed.